About 3 miles off I-55 north and only 30 miles south of Grenada lies the small town of Vaiden, MS. The history and food of this small town are top notch but the gem of this community is the old elementary school just off Highway 51 north. Hathorn Elementary School opened its doors in the 1960s and closed in 2011. At their time of closing, the school that offered kindergarten through sixth grade classes had 122 students and nine teachers. Even though it was a sad day for the residents of Vaiden, Mrs. Cindy Williams grabbed it up quickly because she immediately saw the potential of bringing the historic school back to life. Fast forward to October 2018 and the Prissy Hen is born! This vintage market has literally everything and even has things you did not know you needed. If you’re looking for antiques, vintage signage, tasty treats, historic cheese molds, or even antique cameras and fans, the Prissy Hen is the place for you!

Even though they won’t open again until July (dates for the rest of the year are listed at the bottom), this is a destination stop that you need to plan. Walking up and down the halls of the school will definitely bring back memories of your own school years and they have left just enough of the unique details of the school that you feel as if the two are specially combined.

Every classroom down both halls of the school are stocked full of great finds from individuals and businesses alike! If they don’t have it, you don’t need it. If you are currently renovating or building a house, there is no better place to shop for décor than at the Prissy Hen. Many of the rooms are filled with boutique style clothing marked down drastically than what you would find in any other location.

Mrs. Cindy and her staff will make you feel like the most important person in Vaiden when you come in and they make sure to keep a steadily changing supply of goods. If you visit two months in a row, you will not find the same things as your last visit. So, we encourage you to buy it when you find what you want and need! Check out their Facebook page for pictures from the vendors and a schedule of when they are open! Once you visit, you’ll want to keep coming back to see what else they have in store!

The old gym that brings back so many fond memories for the people in the community is getting a chance at a new life as well. The Williams have started from the ground up, renovating and updating the gym so the community can use it in the near future for family reunions, showers, and eventually even weddings.

The Prissy Hen will be open for two weekends in July (8-10) and (22-24), then in August (12-14), and September (9-11). They will be celebrating their fifth birthday in October so there will be a big event and plenty to see in October. As soon as we have the details and the dates, we will be sharing it here!